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Digital solutions for the medicine of the future

As science and technology progress, so does medicine. Programmers and scientists are creating new medical technologies. With each successful step in this field, doctors are able to diagnose and treat earlier and earlier, which helps prevent possible complications and improve patients' lives. Digitisation implies a qualitative transformation of medicine, making it more efficient by optimising and automating the system and organising the work of all its links in a precise way, both in the public and private sectors.

The WHO (World Health Organisation) Global Digital Health Strategy 2020-2025 states that digitally enabled healthcare must be accessible to all patients. Security and privacy of information, transparency of data processing and building trust in e-services are priorities.

We have so many innovations in healthcare, from smart devices, AI-based algorithms, hospital robots and this is not the complete list of technologies that may change the approach to diagnosis and treatment in the near future. Here are the top 10 innovations that are attracting specialists and the medical field:


1. Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can become an assistant to doctors in various areas of work:

·        Electronic medical data management;

·        Diagnosis of diseases;

·         Planning drug and surgical treatments;

·         Personalised healthcare;

·         Health monitoring;

·         Discovery of new drug formulations;

·         Virtual counselling.

AI algorithms automate routine processes and essentially reduce the workload of medical staff. Diagnosis can be checked online by a doctor and, if necessary, this can also be done by an independent consultant, ensuring access from anywhere in the world.


2. Medical robotics

Can a robot perform medical operations? Scientists have been asking this question since the 1970s. The first medical robots in surgery emerged as space and military projects. They were gradually improved and introduced into operating theatres. Today lightweight robots can help perform complex surgical procedures.

Human-robot interaction is the principle that is implemented in a surgical robotic system and can proceed as follows:

·        The surgeon controls the robot's limb using a tactile interface. He observes the progress of the surgery through a monitor and optical channels. The screen shows the surgical area with the patient's internal organs and the necessary instruments. A three-dimensional virtual model can be superimposed on the image, which serves as a reference point for the surgeon. This is created in advance in preparation for surgery.

·         The robotic limb with the instrument recognises and follows the surgeon's hand movements.

The innovation allows minimally invasive surgery that improves clinical outcomes. Patients operated on in this way are discharged from hospital more quickly and return to their normal lives.


3. Portable health monitoring devices

Smartwatches are transforming from an accessory into a miniature diagnostic suite. They not only tell the time, but also perform many other functions, from measuring the number of steps taken to analysing important biological indicators. In recent years, smartwatches are increasingly used in the medical field. Specialised devices can now help monitor the condition of patients with various problems around the clock:

·        With neurological problems. Monitoring with wearable devices is performed in patients with Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy and stroke. The device analyses voice and speech changes, movement disorders and records seizures; 

·         With cardiovascular problems. Lack of exercise is one of the cardiological risk factors. The device helps to objectively assess distance walked and physical activity during the day. This data can be a convincing argument for the patient to change their lifestyle. The device can monitor heart rate. And in the near future, blood pressure, biochemical and biological sensors will provide even more information.

Smartwatches also improve adherence to drug therapy and diet. The device can already track a patient's swallowing and chewing movements and estimate how long they have eaten. Likewise, such devices can remind you when you need to take your medication12 or undergo a prescribed procedure.

Another innovation in monitoring is patch sensors. These are small patches that stick to the skin. The patches can measure blood pressure 24/7, detect an increase in intracranial fluid and even perform ultrasound scans of internal organs.

Deep learning algorithms are built into the wearables to better analyses the information collected. Neural networks learn to predict the onset of cardiovascular disease and assess sleep quality.


4. Genome analysis and editing

In medicine, a DNA sequencing method is used to decipher the genetic code. Scientists determine the sequence of chemical compounds that make up the DNA chain - nucleotides A, G, C and T. Behind them lies information about the life of the organism and the nature of genetic diseases.

The portable nanopore sequencer is an innovation that fits in the palm of your hand. Its small size conceals powerful sequencing capabilities. A DNA molecule passes through the device's nano-sized protein pores and is read in real time. The system equipped with a set of solutions and software applications can quickly provide:

·        Estimate the quality of the information;

·         Search for and correct errors; 

·         Analyse and assemble the genome.

Developers constantly update the system by creating new modified proteins for analysis. According to some studies, the accuracy of the latest systems can exceed 90%.


5. Virtual and augmented reality technologies

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) make it possible to simulate different situations in medicine. Using head-mounted devices and three-dimensional projections, doctors and patients are immersed in a virtual world. There, an appropriate solution for diagnosis and therapy can be found.

The interface between innovation and medicine is becoming increasingly common:

·        Treatment of chronic pain and phantom pain;

·         Improving attention and memory in patients with neurological diseases;

·         Helping with psychiatric disorders: anxiety, depression, phobias, eating disorders.

VR technologies are a handy visual electronic textbook and simulator for medical students. Three-dimensional anatomical models make you feel like a real scientist: you can rotate the virtual organ, change its scale. The innovation helps future surgeons hone their skills. Before working with real patients, they can meet virtual patients to improve their communication skills and practise emergency care techniques.


6. Implantable devices and prostheses

Medical implants are devices or tissues that are placed inside or on the surface of the body. Implants have long been used in medicine for a variety of purposes, from controlling body functions to replacing a missing body part.

The field of patient-specific devices (PSD) explores methods of making customised implants. These products take into account the anatomical characteristics of the patient and provide an aesthetically acceptable result. PSD development is closely linked to additive manufacturing. The implant model is first created on a computer using CT and MRI images of the patient and then printed on a 3D printer.

Other innovative ideas come from wireless technology. Implants transmit information about processes inside the body to a computer. Orthopaedic prostheses are fitted with pressure sensors to learn more about joint movement. Implantable sensors are being developed to assess cardiovascular parameters. In neurosurgery, prototypes are emerging that transmit data about brain activity via Wi-Fi.


7. Drug delivery systems

The scale of another innovation often does not exceed a few micrometres. Nanotechnology could be the 'courier' on which medicine relies so heavily. Researchers load nanoparticles - polymer, protein, inorganic - with macromolecules of drugs to deliver them to the focus of disease. At the same time, the physical and chemical properties of the nanoparticles are modified so that they target the right area.

A novelty is the biomimetic drug delivery system (BDDS). The nanosystem mimics cells or their components. Such 'doppelgangers' not only deliver and release drugs better, but also stay longer in the bloodstream, are able to evade immunity and interact with other cells.


8. Bioprinting

Bioprinting is the realisation of mankind's long-held dream of creating organs and tissues to replace damaged or lost ones. The innovation is based on 3D printing methods. Bioink and special biopaper are used for printing. These are created from viable cells, biomaterials and biological molecules.

To create a tissue or organ model, a patient's CT and MRI images are uploaded into specialised software. Cells are then isolated, biomaterials selected and biolipids created. The printed structure matures in a bioreactor. Bioprinting is used in several areas of medicine: in transplantation, drug discovery and research.

This innovation has helped create tissue structures for many body systems. Scientists are experimenting with nerve cells, imprinting blood vessels, growing bone and cartilage tissue fragments for plastics for injuries and fractures.


10. Telemedicine

Telemedicine uses telecommunications technology to meet the healthcare needs of the. Today it widely can provide:

·        Patient education and counselling; 

·         Remote monitoring;

·         Exchange of medical data and images.

In telemedicine, doctor-patient and doctor-physician consultations are carried out via telephone, e-mail, videoconferencing or mobile devices.

Both doctors and patients appreciated the convenience of this consultation format. In this case, there is no need to leave home - you can contact your doctor via computer or smartphone. It saves time that could have been spent travelling and waiting in queues.

The digitisation of the medical field is in full swing, and in the near future we will see more and more diverse applications of information and communication technologies in this important field that directly affects the quality of life both socially and personally.



1.     Global strategy on digital health 2020-2025. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

2.     GAO, Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Benefits and Challenges of Machine Learning Technologies for Medical Diagnostics, GAO-22-104629 (Washington, D.C.: Sep. 29, 2022).




  • 2023-11-20
  • Adela Starosca